

Let the Games Begin...


This could well be considered the first official game post, or at least it pins down the start of game time: Angel meets Cordy at the mall after her doctor's appointment.

At Caritas, Lorne gets a visitor.

Later that night... (Stick your fingers in your ears and ignore any mentions of Fred after this point. She's officially gone.)

Enter Doyle, Stage...er...Up? Cordy goes for a drink.
Doyle and Angel call Cordy, who's home now.

And more...

The Next Morning

Wesley finds out Doyle is back.

And more...

Giles and Buffy have a Talk.

Spike makes a discovery in his crypt, and gets a visit from Dawn.

Wes leaves to get Cordy.

Doyle and Angel talk while Wes is gone.

Wes returns with Cordy.

Doyle, Angel, Wes and Cordy visit Caritas for some advice.

Lindsey has a lunch date.

Lindsey returns from his lunch date, and joins them.

The Caritas conversation keeps going, and going, and going...

And going, and going...

That afternoon...

After Caritas, Doyle and Cordy go shopping.

Wes and Angel head back to the hotel

Spike goes shopping, and meets up with the last person he'd want to see him in the cat food aisle.

Cordy and Doyle, still shopping...

At the Hyperion, Wes researches.

Doyle and Cordy head back to the hotel after Wesley's phone call.

Wes actually gets the visions...

Doyle and Cordy talk after Wes gets the visions.

And more...

Wes and Angel talk.

Doyle and Angel talk, while Wes sleeps.

And more...

And more...

And more...

And more...

Buffy gets home from shopping, and has a talk with Dawn.

And more...

Willow and Tara have an argument.

Dru shows up at Spike's crypt.

Alone in Angel's bedroom, Wes gets another vision. Doyle might be able to help.

And more...

Angel and Cordy discuss the price of tea in China....

And more...

Willow gets home after fighting with Tara, and talks to Buffy.

Tara goes to Giles, after arguing with Willow.

And more...

And more...

Dawn leaves the house during Buffy and Willow's discussion.

Post-vision, Cordelia tries to help Wes figure it out

And more...

Post-vision, Angel and Doyle talk again.

And more...

Dawn meets up with some company...

After talking with Willow, Buffy leaves to look for Dawn.

Willow and Xander meet on patrol.

And more...

Angel and Doyle are joined by Cordy.

Buffy and Spike catch up to Dawn and Dru.

Angel visits Wes upstairs.

And more...

Cordy has a moment to herself.

Lindsey and Anne reflect separately.

Dru has a tea party.

With spells, even.

Dru's guest is a little disoriented.

The next day...

Wes has his third major vision.

Lindsey visits Anne again.

Buffy and Giles search the classifieds...

Doyle and Angel leave for Sunnydale, in reaction to Wesley's vision.

Lindsey has a question for Lorne.

And more...

Giles gets a call from Cordy.

Doyle and Angel, still on the road.

Still more...

And the road goes on and on...

And on...

Wes remembers something else.

Cordy and Wes take off after Angel and Doyle.

Cordy and Wes on the road.


Yet again... (after smoochies)

Scooby Meeting at the Magic Box.

Angel and Doyle finally show up at the Magic Box.

Someday Wes and Cordy will catch up...

Scooby Meeting with dwindling participants...

Buffy and Angel go sewer walking.

Tara and Dawn go ice cream shopping.

Cordy and Wes are still on the road.

Willow and Giles: Magic Fight! Magic Fight!

And more...

Anya, Xander and Doyle stop for donuts on the way to the factory.

Buffy and Angel at the mansion.

Tara and Dawn look for Super Fudge Chunk.

Stop the presses! Cordy and Wes actually arrive at the Magic Box.

And more...

And more...

And more...

Anya, Xander and Doyle arrive at the factory.

Buffy and Angel visit Spike's crypt.

Then head for Buffy's house.

Giles hypnotizes Wesley.

And more...

And more...

And more....

Tara and Dawn meet up at home with Buffy and Angel.

And more....

Dawn and Tara return to the Magic Box


Giles, Wes, Cordy, Dawn, Tara at the Magic Box.

Buffy and Angel at the Hellmouth.

Spike checks out the Bronze.

Anya, Xander and Doyle return to join Giles, Tara, and Dawn at the Magic Box.

Wes and Cordy in the back room.

Enter Doyle...

Out to the alley.

And back in.

Everybody who's anybody is at the Magic Box.
(Er, except Spike. And Dru. And insane Willow. And That Guy.)

Still hanging at the Box...

Um. And Lindsey, who's headed back to Arizona.

Oh, there's Willow and Dru...

Xander and Angel drive to the Bronze.

And meet up with Spike...

Throw in a little rectal surgery and it's their best day yet!

Wes and Cordy hole up at the UC Sunnydale Hotel.

Buffy and Doyle do the Willy's pub crawl tour.

Dru plays games; the boys find Willow.

Wes and Cordy...er...get closer.

And closer...

And closer...

Tara, Anya, Giles and Dawn pack up shop and head for Giles' hotel.

More Buffy and Doyle - conversations of the recently deceased.

And more...

Slumber party at Giles' hotel....

Except for Wes and Cordy...

Giles' hotel: Giles and Willow...have a Talk.

And more...

And more...

And more...

And more...


And more...

UC Sunnydale hotel: Angel and Doyle...have a Talk.

And more...

And more...

And more...

And more...

And more...

And more...

And more...

Slumber party at Chez Summers... (Buffy, Tara, Dawn)

Xander and Anya - the normal couple...


The morning after...

Giles and Willow recover from...ahem...

And more...

And more...and a call from Buffy

Angel and Doyle talk.

And more...

Buffy, Tara, Dawn have pancakes.

More pancakes.

Xander and Anya have...pancakes.


Wes and Cordy have breakfast.

And more...

And more...

Giles and Willow talk about magic.

How 'bout those hashbrowns?

Cordy and Doyle.

And more...

Angel and Wes.

Spike at the Magic Box.

Willow and Giles: Trust Issues

Cordy, Doyle, Wes, Angel: Confrontation in the lobby.

Willow and Giles are still at it... AHEM! They're at it again!



Cordy and Doyle talk in the sunshine.

Angel and Wes have it out in the conference room.

Damn, we didn't mean it that way!

Huh - guess we did...

Or at least they did...

Look! Slash! (In case you missed it.)

Spike, Buffy, Xander, Anya, Dawn, Tara at the Magic Box.

Willow and Giles AHEM through a phone call from Xander. Because they're wrong and twisted. Unlike Xander.


Angel and Wes collect themselves and rejoin Cordy.

Aaaaand they finally head for the Magic Box...

Gunn arrives at the Magic Box. Xander calls Giles.

Buffy and Spike head for the back room. To spar. Really.

More B/S sparring. Really. This time with Special Guest!

Everyone is in the same room for at least five minutes! World explodes, game over! Er... no. But. Just sayin'.

Giles? Is so busted. (By Angel)

Meanwhile -- general worry, grousing, and reaction to a newspaper article.

That newspaper article.

Wes has a vision - and a reaction.

Willow gets hypnotized.

Doyle walks into trouble.

The L.A. gang take off to save Doyle.

The remaining Scoobies + Spike (sans shirt) saddle up to check out the school in the article.

Willow is less than happy about being eaten by bugs.

Angel's....angels, to the rescue.

And more...

Snoopin' at the school. (Mostly Xander/Anya)

Buffy and Spike split off.

Updated through December 2nd, 2002 -- our time. Mumbledy mumbledy, 2001, gametime.

